Employing uniquely abled people and delivering great tasting coffee at the same time!

Premium Packaging
Each bag of our premium coffee is packaged by Marshall himself! The best part…is you get great tasting coffee, while helping others have an opportunity!

Hello Everyone!
Hand in Hand Coffee Company formed to create a place for special uniquely abled people to work. Our hand with theirs working together to deliver this special blend of coffee.

Signed & Sealed
Each bag of Hand in Hand Coffee that you purchase, you'll receive a hand written note from Marshall showing thanks and gratitude! Each note comes packaged with care and love!
Hand in Hand Coffee Company formed to create a place for special uniquely abled people to work. Our hand with theirs working together to deliver this special blend of coffee. We know not all stickers on the packages will be straight ,the address labels might be slightly off but....that’s ok. This bag of coffee has been handled with care and love by someone who was given a chance at proving they can contribute too.

Hand in Hand is combining two very wonderful warm aspects of life together. The joy of working with Uniquely Abled people and a great special blend of coffee. It doesn’t get any better than this!

Our coffee beans are 100% Arabica grown in the Cerrado Region of Brazil at over 3,000 ft above sea level. Our coffee score ranges from 83-85. Here are some photos of the farm.